Mette is 3rd generation of a family of 4 generations of female travelers.

She became a Danish diplomat at 24 years old and holds a royal medal from Sweden. 18 years later in 2014 she left for the larger freedom of the private sector. Today she advises smaller companies on internationalization and digitalization as a board member. This is what she would like to do more off.

To finance traveling with 3 older children, she holds several jobs and is also a censor at university in leadership and international economy, and a fulltime IT project manager.

Mette has traveled from her first years with her grandmothers and parents. She took 2 trips around the world with her children, and they have now visited 110+ and approx. 85 countries each and have been at school for 4 years abroad as well. Her jobs brought her studying and working abroad on diplomatic postings for 8 years, and she was more than 40 years old, when she decided to pursue 193. This was while celebrating country 100 with rum and a cigar next to the statue of Christopher Columbus in the Dominican Republic.

Mette Ehlers Mikkelsen